Hennessey Arabians extends it’s most sincere congratulations to the Polish State Studs for their outstanding results at the 2015 Pride of Poland Auction.
It would be a gross understatement to say that the we were especially ‘proud’ of the outcome of Pepita’s involvement in the Auction. Pepita is the reigning Polish National Champion Mare, All Nations Cup and European Silver Champion Mare (among many other titles). She is sired by Ekstern and out of our treasured, *PEPESZA. Pepita sold at the 2015 Pride of Poland Auction for 1.4 MILLION Euro.
Hennessey Arabians purchased and imported *PEPESZA in 2006 under the expert advice of Mr. George Z. She is treated like royalty at the farm and is admired by our visitors on a regular basis.
Pepita’s portrait, masterfully shot by Stuart Vesty adorns the cover of the 2015 Pride of Poland Sale Catalogue. The cover of the 2006 Pride of Poland Sale Catalogue was a photo of *PEPESZA, also beautifully captured by Stuart Vesty.An embryo right to *PEPESZA was offered in the highly successful 2015 IntArah Dream Embryo Auction in Las Vegas. The winning bidders were our friends, Mark Davis and Cindy McGown of Royal Arabians.