Hennessey Arabians congratulates the owners and breeders of the mares bred to Champion, H Mobility H. Thank you all for your decision to breed to US National, Scottsdale and Regional Champion English Horse, H Mobility H.
- Pristaline (Presideio CF x Plenty A Sparkle by Afire Bey V)) Owned by Sherman Ranch, Pleasanton, CA Miz
- Miranda V (Bravado Bey V x Miz Molly Vby Allience) Owned by Michelle Watson, Williston, FL
- August Rose (August Bey V x PVS Priboja by Promotion) Owned By Barbara Wright, Canfield, OH
- RA Gift of Fire (Bask Afire Bey x Puttingontheritz) Owned by Bab and Kayren Jost, Eustis, FL Mattamoiselle
- Afire (Afire Bey V x Mattaria by Zodiac Matador) Owned by Ann Knoop, Flushing, MI
- JK Pristine (Jucks Heristage V x Patraza) Owned by Elisabeth Lang, Columbia, MO
- Heavenly Night Shade (American Saddlebred) Owned by Melissa Prowse, Sherwood Park, Alberta Canada
- BA Appolonia (AA Apollo Bey x BA Marvalika) Owned by Ken and Kathy D’Auria, Manchester, CT
- KH Easter Bey (Chashmir Bey x KD Routlettesdelite) Owned by Barbara Faulkner, Townsend, DE
- CP Ragtime (Huckleberry Bey x Misty Danser) Owned by Cal Poly University
- Afire Lily (Afire Bey V x Mattafox by Zodiac Matador) Owned by Kimberly Conant, Klamath Falls, OR
- ROL Feelin’ Groovy (Baske Afire x Doubletrees Keeping Secrets) Owed by Jane Wardlaw, Reno, NV
- Miz Vogue VA (Triften++/ x Miz Margeaux V by Huckleberry Bey)) Owned by Hennessey Arabians
- Cori Afire (Afire Bey V x BPA Cheers by Cognac) Owned by Hennessey Arabians
- Rumina Afire (Afire Bey V x HL Raisa by The Chief Justice) Embryo purchased by Hennessey Arabians, mare
owned by Steve Lazzarini - Bells Will Ring ASB (Exalted Effect x Kalorama Singing The Blues) Owned by Hennessey Arabians